Mapping Species Distributions


Shortspur seablush (Plectritis congesta subsp. congesta), photo by Adolf Ceska



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Kaye, Thomas N. 1997.  Seed dormancy in high elevation plants: Implications for ecology and restoration.  In:  T.N. Kaye, A. Liston, R.M. Love, D.L. Luoma, R.J. Meinke, and M.V. Wilson (eds.). Conservation and management of native plants and fungi. Native Plant Society of Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon. 1997.   Pages 115-120.

Kaye, Thomas N.  1999.  Effects of timber harvest on Cimicifuga elata, a rare plant of western forests.  Northwest Science 73 (3): 159 - 167.

Kaye, Thomas N. 2001.  Population Viability Analysis of Endangered Plant Species: An Evaluation of Stochastic Methods and an Application to a Rare Prairie Plant.  Ph. D. thesis.  Oregon State University.

Kaye, T.N. 2001.  Common ground and controversy in native plant restoration: the SOMS debate, source distance, plant selections, and a restoration-oriented definition of native.  In: Native Plant Propagation and Restoration Strategies. R. Rose and D. Haase, editors. Nursery Technology Cooperative and Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Corvallis, Oregon.

Kaye, T. N., K. Amsberry, S. D. Gisler, and R. J. Meinke. 1998.  Back from the brink: the challenges of endangered plant reintroduction.  Hortus West 9:4-9, 90-91.

Kaye, Thomas N., Robert J. Meinke, Jimmy Kagan, Sue Vrilakas, Kenton L.Chambers, Peter F. Zika and Julie K. Nelson.  1997.  Patterns of Rarity in the Oregon Flora: Implications for Conservation and Management. pp. 1-10.   In: T. N. Kaye, A Liston, R. M. Love, D. L. Luoma, R. J. Meinke and M. V. Wilson (eds.).  Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi.  Native Plant Society of Oregon. Corvallis, Oregon.

Keddy, P.A., and Reznicek, A.A. 1982. The role of seed banks in the persistence of Ontario's coastal plain flora. Amer. J. Bot. 69: 13-22.

Keddy, P.A., and Reznicek, A.A. 1982. Seed banks and persistent relict shoreline flora. BioScience 32: 132-133.

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Klinka, K., Krajina, V.J., Ceska, A., and Scagel, A.M. 1989. Indicator plants of coastal British Columbia. University British Columbia Press, Vancouver. 288 pp.

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Klinkenberg, Brian. 2005. Recovery Strategy for Phantom Orchid (Cephalanthera austiniae) in Canada. BC Ministry of Environment and the Phantom Orchid Recovery Team, Surrey.

Klinkenberg, Brian. 2005.  National Recovery Strategy for Mexican Mosquito Fern (Azolla mexicana) in Canada. BC Ministry of Environment, Surrey.

Klinkenberg, Brian.  2005.  Landscape Modeling in Conservation Biology:  Predictive Mapping of Potential Habitat for Tall Bugbane (Actaea elata) in British Columbia. BC Ministry of Environment, Surrey, BC.

Klinkenberg, Brian. 2007. National Recovery Strategy for Brook Spike-Primrose (Epilobium torreyi) in Canada. Parks Canada Service, Victoria.

Klinkenberg, B. and R. Klinkenberg.  1991. Status Report on the Phantom Orchid (Cephalanthera austiniae): a threatened species in Canada.  Prepared for the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa.

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenberg.  1999. Update status report on the Phantom Orchid (Cephalanthera austiniae): a threatened species in Canada.  Prepared for the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. (plus addendum, 2001).

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenberg.  2001. COSEWIC Status Report on Streambank Lupine (Lupinus rivularis) in Canada.  Prepared for the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa.

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenberg.  2001. COSEWIC status report on Vancouver Island Beggarticks (Bidens amplissima) in Canada.  Prepared for the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa.

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenberg.  2002.  Biodiversity Protection:  Standard Inventory and Monitoring Methods for Rare Rhizomatous Geophytes in British Columbia.  Report to the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, Victoria. 70 pp.

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenberg.  2003.  Stewardship Account for California Buttercup (Ranunculus californicus) in British Columbia.  Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team.

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenberg.  2003. Recovery Strategy for Tall Bugbane  (Actaea elata (Nutt.) Prantl) in Canada.  Tall Bugbane Recovery Team and the Ministry of Water, Lands and Air Protection, Surrey.  46 pp.

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenberg. 2003.  Background ecological report and predictive mapping for Tall Bugbane (Actaea elata (Nutt.) Prantl) in Canada:  Supplement to the Recovery Strategy.  Tall Bugbane Recovery Team and the Ministry of Water, and and Air Protection, Surrey.  32 pp.

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenberg.  2006.  National Management Plan for Vancouver Island Beggarticks (Bidens amplissima) in Canada.  BC Ministry of Environment, Surrey.  Draft for review

Klinkenberg, Brian and Rose Klinkenkberg. 2007. Recovery Strategy for Alkali Aster (Aster symphyotrichum) in Canada. BC Ministry of Environment and the South Okanagan-Similkameen Conservation Program, Victoria.

Klinkenberg, Brian, Rose Klinkenberg, and Chris Sears. 2006. COSEWIC status report on  purple spike rush (Eleocharis atropurpurea (Retz.) J. & K. Presl.) in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa.

Klinkenberg, Brian, Chris Sears and  Rose Klinkenberg. 2006. COSEWIC status report on Spaldings' Milkvetch (Astragalus spaldingii  Gray var. spaldingii) in Canada. Draft. Committee for the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa.

Kott, L. and A. E. Kott.  1974.  A record of the orchid Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. from northeastern British Columbia.  Canadian Field Naturalist 88:  89.

Krajina, V. 1965.  Biogeoclimatic zones and classification of British Columbia.  Ecol. West. N. Am.  1:  1 - 17.

Krannitz, P. G. and Bennett, B. A. (1999).  Fire as a restoration tool in the South Okanagan shrub-steppe.  In: Egan, B. (ed.) Helping the land heal: ecological restoration in British Columbia.  Conference Proceedings:  B.C. Environmental Network Educational Foundation, Vancouver, BC (pp. 224-225).

Krannitz, P. G. and C. Rohner. 1999. Habitat relationships of endangered grassland birds in the south Okanagan.  In:  Darling, L. M. (ed..).  At Risk: Proceedings of a conference on the biology and management of species and habitats at risk.  Kamloops, B.C. (Pp. 823-829).  February 15-19, 1999.  Volume 2, British Columbia Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks, Victoria, BC.

Krause, G., and Schofield, W.B. 1977. The moss flora of Lynn Canyon Park, North Vancouver, British Columbia. Syesis 10: 97-110.


Lea, E. C. and G. W. Douglas. 1991. Endangered and threatened plant species of the southern interior of British Columbia: protecting the insignificant. Pp. 59-65 in: Rautio, S., (ed.), Community action for endangered species: a public symposium on B.C.'s threatened and endangered species and their habitat. Fed. of B.C. Nats. and Northwest. Wildl. Pres. Soc. Vancouver, Sept. 28/29, 1991. 238 pp.

Liston, Aaron and Sami Gray.  1998.  Conservation Genetics of Cimicifuga elata: Results from the 1997 Population Samples.  Oregon State University, USDI Bureau of Land Management, and the USDA Forest Service.  Unpublished report.

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MacDougall, A. and J. Loo.  2002  Predicting occurrences of geographically restricted rare floral elements with qualitative habitat data..  Environmental Reviews 10(3):167-190.

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McNeill, J.  1973.  Lewisia triphylla (S. Watson) Robinson and Spraguea umbellata Torrey, new species for Canada.  Syesis. 6:  179 - 181.

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Meffe, G.K. 1996. Genetic and eco-logical guidelines for species re-introduction programs.  Journal of Great Lakes Research 21:3-9.

Meidinger, D. V. and Pojar, J. 1991.  Ecosystems of British Columbia. Ministry of Forests. IV. Series: Special report series (BC. Ministry of Forests); No. 6.

Miller, M.T., and G.W. Douglas. 1999. Status of Lyall's Mariposa Lily, Calochortus lyalli (Liliaceae), in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 113(4): 652-658.

Montalvo, A.M. and N.C. Ellstrand. 2001. Nonlocal transplantation and outbreeding depression in the subshrub Lotus scoparius (Fabaceae). American Journal of Botany Heredity 87:190-197.

Moore, Michael. 1993.   Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West.  Red Crane Books.


Nesom, G.L.  1994.  Review of the Taxonomy of Aster sensu lato (Asteraceae: Astereae), emphasizing the New World species.  Phytologia 77 (3):141-297.

Noble, W.J. 1982. The lichens of the coastal Douglas-fir dry subzone of British Columbia. Univ. B.C., Vancouver, B.C. PhD Dissertation.

Noble, W.J. 1982. The lichens of the Coastal Douglas-Fir Dry Zone of British Columbia. University of British Columbia, Dept. of Botany, Vancouver, B.C., Doctoral Thesis

This study is a preliminary flora of the lichens of the Coastal Douglas-fir Dry Zone treats. It treats a total of 448 species in 114 genera, including 26 species from adjacent zones. Keys and concise descriptions are provided plus information on substratum preferences, abundance within the subzone, and taxonomic problems. Spore diagrams are supplied for many of the crustose genera. Local distributions within the subzone are discussed. Analysis of world distributions revealed that the majority of these species are very widespread with an essentially continuous range.

Noble, W.J., T. Ahti, G.F. Otto, and I.M. Brodo. 1987. A second checklist and bibliography of the lichens and allied fungi of British Columbia. Nat. Mus. Can., Nat. Mus. Natur. Sci., Canada., Syllogeus No. 61. 95 p.

A total of 1013 species in 205 genera, 18 subspecies, 33 varieties, and 2 forms are reported for British Columbia. Synonyms and unreliable records are also recorded. The 40 taxa originally described from the province are listed. The checklist is based upon reports in approximately 300 papers as well as herbarium specimens at CANL, H, and UBC. These papers are listed in the bibliography at the conclusion of the list. 


Ogilvie, R.T., and Ceska, A. 1984. Alpine plants of phytogeographic interest on northwestern Vancouver Island. Can. J. Bot. 62: 2356-2362.

Ogilvia, R. T., R. J. Hebda and Hans L. Roemer.  1984.  The phytogeography of Oxalis oregana in British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Botany  62:  1561-1563.

Ohlsson, K.E. 1973. New and interesting macrolichens of British Columbia. The Bryologist 76(3): 366-387. Ryan, M.W. 1991. Distribution of bryophytes and lichens on Garry oak. Univ. Victoria, Victoria, B.C. MSc. Thesis.


Parminter, John.  n.d.  Appendix 9:  Fire return intervals and fire sizes by BEC zones.  Research Branch, Ministry of Forests.  Web site (pdf):  (Accessed March 27, 2003).

Parish, R., R. Coupe and D. Lloyd.  1996.  Plants of Southern Interior British Columbia.  Lone Pine Publishing.  Vancovuer, BC, 436 pp.

Pavlick, L.E. (1980). The taxonomy and distribution of Festuca idahoenis in British Columbia. 25 pp. (Unpublished report, on file with the library of the RBCM, Victoria.)

Pavlick, L.E. (1981). The taxonomy and distribution of Festuca altaica and F. scabrella var. major in British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains of Alberta. 37 pp. (Unpublished report, on file with the library of the RBCM, Victoria.)

Pavlick, L.E. (1982). The Festuca and Vulpia of British Columbia: enumeration, descriptions, distributions, taxonomy. 58 pp. (Unpublished report, on file with library of the RBCM, Victoria.)

Pavlick, L.E. (1983). Festuca viridula Vasey (Poaceae): Re-establishment of its original lecotype. Taxon, 32 (1), 117-120.

Pavlick, L.E. (1983). Notes on the taxonomy and nomenclature of Festuca occidentalis and F. idahoensis. Canadian Journal of Botany 61 (1), 337-344.

Pavlick, L.E. (1983). The taxonomy and distribution of Festuca idahoensis in British Columbia and northwestern Washington. Canadian Journal of Botany, 61 (1), 345-353.

Pavlick, L.E. (1984). Studies on the Festuca ovina complex in the Canadian Cordillera. Canadian Journal of Botany, 62 (11), 2448-2462.

Pavlick, L.E. (1985). A new taxonomic survey of the Festuca rubra complex in northwestern North America, with emphasis on British Columbia. Phtyologia, 57 (1), 1-17.

Pavlick, L.E. (1986). Healing powers of BC plants (p. 7). Discovery. British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria.

Pavlick, L.E. (1989). South Okanagan Critical Area Program plant species and communities. In R. Erikson & H. Torrance (Comps.) The South Okanagan Critical Area Program. Endangered, threatened and sensitive plants and animals (pp. A.5 to I-66. The Nature Trust of British Columbia.

Pavlick, L. E. 1989.  Scouler's Corydalis:  One of Canada's rare and beautiful plants.  The Victoria Naturalist  45 (6): 17.

Pavlick, L.E. (1990). Rare plants and plant communities in the South Okanagan Region (Abstract, p. 21.) In. N. Layard (Ed.), The role of conservancies and education in preserving the natural features of the South Okanagan, British Columbia. Report on the South Okanagan Round Table. The Federation of BC Naturalists, Vancouver, BC.

Pavlick, L.E. (1993). The role of the plant taxonomist in our changing times. Bioline Spring/Summer, 11-13.

Pavlick, L.E. (1994). Standards for voucher specimens deposited in the herbarium of the Royal British Columbia Museum. 8 pp. (Report on file with the library of the RBCM, Victoria.)

Pavlick, L.E. (1995). Bromus of North America. 160 pp. RBCM, Victoria, BC.

Pavlick, L.E. (1995). Tumbling tumbleweeds. Discovery, 23 (6), 4-5.

Pavlick, L.E. (1996). George Vancouver Copley, pioneer conservationist of British columbia's southern grasslands. Cordillera, 3 (1), 6-8.

Pavlick, L.E. & Looman, J. (1984). Taxonomy and nomenclature of rough fescues, Festuca altaica, F. campestris (F. scabrellal var. major), and F. hallii in Canada and the adjacent part of United States. Canadian Journal of Botany, 62 (8), 1739-1749.

Pellymr, O. 1985a.  Pollination adaptations in the Cimicifuga and the evolutionary origin of pollinator-plant mutualism.  Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: 2-34

Penny, J.L. & G.W. Douglas. 1998. Status of the Bearded Owl-clover, Triphysaria versicolor ssp. versicolor (Scrophulariaceae), in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 112 (3):481-485.

Penny, J.L. & G.W. Douglas. 1999. Status of the Tall Bugbane, Cimicifuga elata (Ranunculaceae) in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 113(3):461-465.

Pojar, J. 1973. Pollination of typically anemophilous salt marsh plants by bumble bees, Bombus terricola occidentalis Grne. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 89: 448-451.

Pojar, J. 1973. Levels of polyploidy in four vegetation types of southwestern British Columbia. Can. J. Bot. 51: 621-628.

Pojar, J. 1974. Reproductive dynamics of four plant communities of southwestern British Columbia. Can. J. Bot. 52: 1819-1834.

Pojar, J. 1974. Reproductive biology in relation to the structure and function of four plant communities. Ph.D. thesis. Department of Botany, University of British Columbia. 335 pp.

Pojar, J. 1975. Hummingbird flowers of British Columbia. Syesis 8: 25-28.

Pojar, J. 1975. Interesting angiosperms from Cathedral Lakes Park and the lower Skeena River. Syesis 8: 391.

Pojar, J. 1979. Vegetation of the Stein River Valley. Pages 27-32. In Exploring the Stein River Valley. Edited by R.D. Freeman and D. Thompson. Douglas and McIntyre, Vancouver, B.C. 162 pp.

Pojar, J. 1980. Threatened forest ecosystems of British Columbia. Pages 28-39. In Threatened and endangered species and habitats in British Columbia and the Yukon. Edited by R. Stace- Smith, L. Johns, and P. Joslin. Proc. of symp., Richmond, B.C. British Columbia Ministy of Environment, Victoria, B.C. 302 pp.

Pojar, J. 1980. Threatened habitats of rare vascular plants in British Columbia. Pages 40-48. In Threatened and endangered species and habitats in British Columbia and the Yukon. Edited by R. Stace-Smith, L. Johns, and P. Joslin. Proc. of symp., Richmond, B.C. British Columbia Ministy of Environment, Victoria, B.C. 302 pp.

Pojar, J. 1982. Boreal and subalpine grasslands of northern British Columbia. Pages 249-261. In Grassland ecology and classification symp. proc. Edited by A.C. Nicholson, A. McLean, and T.E. Baker. British Columbia Ministry of Forests. Victoria, B.C. 353 pp.

Pojar, J. 1982. Management of western hemlock - amabilis fir forests for timber production: North Coast. Pages 263-276. In Proc. biology and management of true fir in the Pacific Northwest symp. Contribution Number 45. Edited by C.D. Oliver and R.M. Kenady. University of Washington, College of Forest Resources. Seattle, Wash. 344 pp.

Pojar, J. 1991. Subalpine and alpine vegetation of the Gladys Lake Ecological Reserve, northern British Columbia. Contr. Nat. Sci. 12: 1-28.

Pojar, J. 1991. Old-growth forests in British Columbia. Pages 15-21. In Applications in a changing world. GIS91 symp. Vancouver, B.C. Edited by H. Schreier, S. Brown, P. O'Reilly, P.J. Meehan. Forestry Canada, Ottawa. 441 pp.

Pojar, J., Beamish, K.I., Krajina, V.J., and Wade, L.K. 1976. New records and range extensions of vascular plants in northern British Columbia. Syesis 9: 45-57.

Pojar, J., Carson, T., Foster, J.B., and Krajina, V.J. 1978. Ecological reserves in British Columbia. Ecological Reserves Unit, B.C. Ministry of Environment, Victoria, B.C. 269 pp.

Pojar, J., and Foster, J.B. 1977. Natural history theme study of a natural area of Canadian significance on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. 129 pp. [Report. Parks Canada, Ottawa.]

Pojar, J., Klinka, K., and Meidinger, D.V. 1986. Biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification in British Columbia. 21 pp. [Report. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria, B.C.]

Pojar, J., Lewis, T., Roemer, H., and Wilford, D.J. 1980. Relationships between introduced black- tailed deer and the plant life of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. 63 pp. [Report. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Smithers, B.C.]

Pojar, J., Love, R., Meidinger, D., and Scagel, R. 1982. Some common plants of the Sub-Boreal Spruce Zone. Land Management Handbook No. 6. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria, B.C. 102 pp.

Pojar, J. and A. MacKinnon.  1994.  Plants of Coastal British Columbia.  Lone Pine Publishing.  Vancouver, BC 527. pp.

Pojar, Rosamund & Evi Coulson. 2003. _Trees and Shrub in Winter:    A  Guide  to the Identification of Common Trees and Shrubs in Northwestern British Columbia. Cassiope Press, Smithers. 154 p.

Porsild, A.E. 1974. Rocky Mountain wild flowers. National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Natural History Series, No. 2. 454 pp. [Disponible en français sous le titre "Plantes sauvages des montagnes Rocheuses." 450 pp.]

Pryer, K.M. 1990. The limestone oak fern: new to Manitoba. Blue Jay 48: 192-195.

Pryer, K. M. and C. J. Keddy.  1987.  Ammania robusta Heer & Regel (Lythraceae) In:  K. M. Pryer and G. W. Argus (eds.)  Atlas of the Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario.  Part 4.  National Museum of Natural Science, Publications in Botany 7:  1117 - 1710.


Ramsey, Gwynn.  1987.  Morphological Considerations in the North American Cimicifuga (Ranunculaceae).  Castanea 52 (2): 129 - 141.

Ramsay, Gwynn.  1997.  Cimicifuga.  In  Flora of North America Editorial Committee (ed.) Flora North America.  Volume 3.  New York: Oxford University Press.

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Reader, R.J. 1977. Bog ericad flowers: self-compatibility and relative attractiveness to bees. Can. J. Bot. 55: 2279-2287.

Redhead, S.A. 1988. Notes on the genus Xeromphalina (Agaricales, Xerulaceae) in Canada: biogeography, nomenclature, taxonomy.  Can. J. Bot. 66: 479-507. 

Redhead, S.A. 1989. A biogeographical overview of the Canadian mushroom flora. Can. J. Bot. 67: 3003-3062

Redhead, S.A. 1986.  The genus Crinipellis Pat. in Canada.  La Famiglia delle Tricholomataceae. Atti del Convegno Internazionale del 10-15 settembre 1984. Borgo Val di Taro - Italy.  Atti del Centro Studi per la Flora Mediterranea 6: 175-199. 

Redhead, S.A., L. L. Norvell, and E. Danell. 1997. Cantharellus formosus and the Pacific Golden Chantarelle harvest in western North
America. Mycotaxon 65: 285-322. 

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Reznicek, A.A., and Ball, P.W. 1974. The taxonomy of Carex series Lupulinae in Canada. Can. J. Bot. 52: 2387-2399.

Reznicek, A.A., and Ball, P.W. 1980. The taxonomy of Carex section Stellulatae in North America north of Mexico. Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 14: 153-203.

Reznicek, A.A., and Bobbette, R.S.W. 1976. The taxonomy of Potamogeton subsection hybridi in North America. Rhodora 78: 650-673.

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Roemer, H., Pojar, J., and Joy, K. 1988. Protected old-growth forests in coastal British Columbia. Nat. Areas J. 8: 146-159.

Rosenberg, S. et al. 2003.  Postglacial spread of hemlock (Tsuga) and vegetation history in Mount Revelstoke National Park, British Columbia, Canada.  Canadian Journal of Botany 81(2):139-151.

M. W. Ryan.  1996.  Bryophytes of British Columbia: Rare Species and Priorities for Inventory. Technical Working Paper.   MoF, Research Program and MoELP, Wildlife Branch; 100 pp.

Ryan, M. and G. W. Douglas. 1994. Status report on the Deltoid balsamroot Balsamorhiza deltoidea Nutt. Unpublished report submitted to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa. British Columbia Conservation Data Centre. 29 pp.

Ryan, M. and G. W. Douglas. 1994. Status report on the Prairie Lupine, Lupinus lepidus Dougl. ex Lindl. Unpublished report submitted to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa. British Columbia Conservation Data Centre. 26 pp.

Ryan, M. and G. W. Douglas. 1994. Status report on the Seaside birds-foot lotus, Lotus formosissimus Greene. Unpublished report submitted to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa. British Columbia Conservation Data Centre. 25 pp.

Ryan, M. and G. W. Douglas. 1995. Status report on the Golden paintbrush, Castilleja levisecta, in Canada. Unpublished report. Comm. on the Status of Endangered Wildl. in Canada, Ottawa. 18 pp.

Ryan, M. and G. W. Douglas. 1995. Status report on the Yellow montane violet, Viola praemorsa, in Canada. Unpublished report. Comm. on the Status of Endangered Wildl. in Canada, Ottawa. 22 pp.


Saltonstall, Kristin. 2002.  Cryptic invasion by non-native genotype of the common reed, Phragmites australis, into North America.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (4):  2445 - 2449.

Savale, W.M., Jr., and Ceska, A. 1989. Noteworthy collections - British Columbia. Wolffia columbiana Karsten, new in British Columbia. Madroño 36: 153.

Scoggan, H.J.  1978.  The Flora of Canada.  National Museum of Canada, Publications in Botany, Ottawa, ON.  vix + 1498 pp.

Schofield, W.B. 1968. Bryophytes of British Columbia I. Mosses of particular interest. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 205-226.

Schofield, W.B. 1968. Bryophytes of British Columbia II. Hepatics of particular interest. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 265-282.

Schofield, W.B. 1969. Phytogeography of northwestern North America: bryophytes and vascular plants. Madroño 20: 155-207.

Schofield, W.B. 1969. A checklist of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of British Columbia. Syesis 1: 157-162.

Schofield, W.B. 1969. A selectively annotated checklist of British Columbia mosses. Syesis 1: 163-175.

Schofield, W.B. 1969. Some Common Mosses of British Columbia. B.C. Provincial Museum 259 pp. [2nd edition - 1992. Royal British Columbia Museum. 394 pp.]

Schofield, W.B. 1976. Bryophytes of British Columbia III: habitat and distributional information for selected species. Syesis 9: 317-354.

Schofield, W.B. 1980. Phytogeography of the mosses of North America (north of Mexico). Pages 131-170. In: Mosses of North America. Edited by R. Taylor and A. Leviton. AAAS Publications, San Fransisco. 170 pp.

Schofield, W.B. 1984. Bryogeography of the Pacific coast of North America. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55: 35-43.

Schofield, W.B. 1985. Introduction to bryology. Macmillan Publ. Co., N.Y. 431 pp.

Schofield, W.B. 1988. Community organization: some phytogeographic concepts as applied to vegetation of British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. Bot. 66: 2673-2686.

Schofield, W.B. 1989. Structure and affinities of the bryoflora of the Queen Charlotte Island. Pages 109-119. In: The Outer Shores. Edited by G.G.E. Scudder and N. Gessler. Queen Charlotte Islands Museum, Skidgate. 327 pp.

Schofield, W.B. 1990. Rare and endangered bryophytes of B.C. Bioline 9: 15-17.

Schofield, W.B. 1993. Some Common Mosses of British Columbia (revised edition). Royal B.C. Provincial Museum Handbook. 394 pp.

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Recommended citation:  Author, date, page title. In: Klinkenberg, Brian. (Editor) 2021. E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia []. Lab for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. [Date Accessed]

E-Flora BC: An initiative of the Spatial Data Lab, Department of Geography UBC, and the UBC Herbarium.

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