Mountain Goats (Oreamnos americanus), photo by Fred Lang
E-Fauna BC is a collaborative, volunteer-driven project supported by many agencies and individuals and guided by an advisory committee of experts. This strong support and recognition of a vision for compiling and presenting scientifically accurate information on BC wildlife in a single location has made E-Fauna possible. We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to the many individuals and agencies, and in particular to the many photogaphers whose contributions have helped made BC's wildlife visible.
In particular, we woud like to thank the Royal BC Museum and Jim Cosgrove for providing permissions to bring several Museum publications online via E-Fauna BC. This material significantly kick-started the atlas project and allowed us to publish atlas pages for sea stars, sea cucumbers, mosquitoes, barnacles, crabs, and several mammal groups.
We would also like to extend a special thank you to Aaron Baldwin, who has provided many of our marine invertebrates species checklists, hundreds of photos covering these, and several key introductions to marine invertebrate groups. Aaron has been a major driving force behind our marine invertebrates material. Similarly, Jamie Fenneman has contributed significantly to E-Fauna in so many ways. He provided our bird atlas pages, our provicial bird checklists, hundreds of photos of several groups, and key introductions to the birds of BC.
Insects on E-Fauna BC have been significantly developed through the contributions of Geoff Scudder and Rob Cannings, who have provided us with their unpublished manuscript on the Insect Families of British Columbia which is brought online in E-Fauna BC. This has allowed us to present dozens of key introductions to insect orders and families in BC, and is a significant contribution of a major unpublished work.
We would also like to extend a special thank you to the Royal Ontario Musem for permissions to use material from John Reynold's Earthworms of Ontario book, and to the BC Ministry of Environment and the BC Ministry of Agriculture for providing distribution mapping for many BC species.
Aaron Baldwin, Dick Cannings, Jamie Fenneman, Patrick Gregory, Cris Guppy, Wayne Maddison, Brent Matsuda, Karen Needham, Leah Ramsay, David Shackleton, Eric Taylor, Pamela Zevit, Ross Vennesland.
Libby Avis: Moths
Aaron Baldwin: Marine Invertebrates
Robb Bennett: Spiders
Rob Cannings: Dragonflies and Robber Flies
Jamie Fenneman: Birds
Cris Guppy: Butterflies
Ian Gardiner: Freshwater Molluscs and Crustaceans
Rose Klinkenberg: General
Eric (Rick) Taylor: Fish
Jose Aparicio, Greg Burroughs, Vicky Baker, James Biro, Lara Hoshizaki, Wayne Kwok, Christina Laurier, Ofer Maron, Alan McConchie, Vrish Prahalad, Luan Vo, Jake Wall, Rachel Wiersma, Claire Wooton, Tony Zhang.
Maps Version 2015: Vrish Prahalad
Maps Version 2013: Christina Laurier
Maps Version 2011: Brian Klinkenberg
Maps Version: 2006 Wayne Kwok
Map Version 2004: Rachel Wiersma
E-Fauna BC is a major collaborative effort on the part of many scientists and species specialists--both in BC and elsewhere in North America--who donate their time towards E-Fauna BC in a variety of ways. This includes photo reviews, preparing atlas pages, writing introductory essays, preparing species checklists, checking and updating taxonomy, and overall general guidance for species groups. Through these contributons they have made E-Fauna work. A special thank you to each of them:
Bill Austin--Sponges, introductions and sponge photo reviews
Aaron Baldwin-- Marine species checklists: including crabs, flatworms, and more.
Vicky Baker--Wildlife Resources
Peter Belton--Mosquitoes, introduction and atlas pages
Robb Bennett--Spiders, checklist
James Boutillier--Corals, checklist
Palmira Boutillier--Corals checklist
Anita Brinckmann-Voss--marine invertebrates, hydroids, checklists
Mark Brigham--Mammals, bats introduction and atlas pages
Mattias Buck -- Wasps, photo reviews
Rob Cannings--Insects, checklists and introductions
Tom Carefoot--Marine Invertebrates, atlas page introduction notes
Jim Cosgrove--Octopuses and Squids, introductions, checklists, atlas pages
Neil Davis--Marine Protected Areas and Climate Change
Daphne Fautin--sea anemones, checklist review and data
Matt Fairbarns--Garry Oak Ecosystems
Jamie Fenneman--Birds, introductions, checklists, bird atlas pages
Robert Forsyth--Land Snails, atlas pages and checklist
Dave Fraser--listed species including bumble bees
Jeremy Gatten--Dragonflies, photo reviews
Lea Gelling--Freshwater Molluscs, checklists
Graham Gillespie--marine fish, bivalves, coral checklist
Henri Goulet--sawflies
Patrick Gregory--reptile photo reviews
Gordon Green--Crustaceans, Sea Anemones, introductions and checklists
Hugh Griffith-- Reptiles, Amphibians, introductions and atlas pages
Cris Guppy--Butterflies, atlas pages and checklist
Robert Higgins--Ants, checklist
Rick Howie--Birds, checklist
Glen Jamieson--Corals, introduction and first checklist
Richard Klafki--Mammals, atlas page
Philip Lambert--Sea Stars, Sea Cucumbers, atlas pages, checklists, marine aliens
Staffan Lindgren--Ants, introduction and checklists
Evert Lindquist--Ticks--introduction and checklist
Zoe Lindo--Mites-- introduction and checklist
Brent Matsuda--Amphibians, atlas pages, photo reviews, and overall input
Neil McDaniel--sea star and sponge photo reviews
Sandra Millen--Nudibranchs, checklist
James Miskelly--orthoptera photo reviews and atlas page reviews
Don McPhail--Freshwater Fish checklist and Maps
William Moser--Leeches photo reviews
and checklist taxonomy
Dave Nagorsen--Mammals--Mammals, checklists and introductions
Karen Needham--Insects photo reviews, checklists
Alex Peden--Marine Fish, checklist
Peter Olesiuk--Marine Mammals (Pinnepeds), atlas pages and introduction
Kristiina Ovaska--Reptiles, atlas pages
Lisa Poirier--Mosquitos, data and photos
Greg Pohl--Moths, photo reviews (micro moths)
Leah Ramsey--Species checklists
John Reynolds--Earthworms, atlas pages and introduction
Pam Rutherford--Reptiles, atlas pages
Mike Sarell--Reptiles--atlas pages
Chris Schmidt--Moths, photo reviews
Geoff Scudder--Insects, checklists and introductions
Kelly Sendall--Sea Anemones, checklist
Jeff Skevington--flower fly photo reviews, checklist
Lennart Sopuck--Reptiles, atlas page
David Shackleton--Mammals, Hoofed Mammals atlas pages, Cougar atlas page
Robbin Thorp--Bumble Bees, photo reviews
Rick Toochin--Birds, checklists
Krysia Tuttle--Reptiles, atlas pages
Robert Vandermore--Moths, introduction
King Wu--Ticks, checklist
Andrew Young--Flower Flies, photo reviews
Thank you to the following folks for helping out in a variety of ways: Libby Avis, Lauraine Baillie, Vicky Baker, Kevin deBoer, Eric Lofroth, Alan McConchie, Tim Philpott, Kaoru Tachiiri, Rosemary Taylor.
And a particular thank you to our more than 340 photographers whose works make E-Fauna BC come alive. Visit our photo gallery for a complete list of photographers contributing to the project. They are the window to our widlife.
Our project partners contribute to the development of E-Fauna BC in so many ways, from data provision to student support. Thank you!
Our thanks go to Devon Cathers, Bill Liang, Chen Liu, John Sture, and Stanley Tian for magical general programming, and to Wayne Kwok, Luan Vo, and Rachel Wiersma for GIS and mapping programming. Without these programmers, E-Flora BC would not exist. Thanks, too, to Vincent Kujula for network support, and, often, rescue.
Please cite these pages as:
Author, date, page title. In: Klinkenberg, Brian. (Editor) 2021. E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of British Columbia []. Lab for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. [Date Accessed]
© Copyright 2021 E-Fauna BC.