Past Research Assistants and Graduate Students


Past Research Asscociates
Dr. Jamil Kazmi Geospatial Aspects of Asthma; Geospatial Aspects of West Nile Virus (Pakistan) Research Associate
Dr. Kaoru Tachiiri West Nile Virus & Understanding Mongolian dzud: Implications for  Human Survival (Japan) Post Doc
Former Graduate Students of the Lab
Claire Wooton Yellow Cedar decline in British Columbia M.Sc. 2010
Colette Wabnitz

GIS and distribution of Green Sea Turtles (co-supervisor Daniel Pauly)

Ph.D.  2010
Lara Hoshizaki Ecosystem Services in British Columbia M.Sc. 2009
Alan McConchie Social Geography of the GeoWeb M.Sc. 2008
Alejandro Cervantes Visualization and Analyses of Infrastructure Networks, Emergency Planning. M.Sc.2008
Sonja Talwar Georgia Basin Digital Data Library  (with John Robinson, Geography). Ph.D. 2007
Louisa Wood A Global Analysis of Marine Protected Areas (with Daniel Pauly, Fisheries) Ph.D. 2007 
Sunny Mak Biogeography/epidemiology of Cryptococcus neoformans in BC M.Sc 2007
Brad Maguire Towards a Landform Geodatabase: The Automatic Identification of Landforms M.Sc. 2005
Tara Sharma GIS and Modeling Agricultural Scenarios Ph.D. 2004
Alison Holley Public Participation and GIS M.Sc. 2003
Molly Holmberg (Transferred to UC Boulder) PPGIS, visualization: link 2003
Greg Cunningham Neural networks, GIS, and property prediction models. M.Sc. 2001
Jayati Sinha Remote Sensing and Land Use Classification Using GIS M.Sc. 2001
Erik Shieffer Natural patterns and land use impacts on lacustrine sedimentation in northwestern BC Ph.D. 2000
Alissa Antle Interactive visualization tools for spatial data and metadata Ph.D. 2000
Trevor Davis Toward verification of a natural resource uncertainty model Ph.D. 1999
Michael Joy Handling uncertainty in GIS and environmental models: An application in forest management. M.Sc. 1997
Selina Tribe Computer simulations of cobble structure on a gravel stream bed (co-supervisor with Michael Church) (NSERC) M.Sc. 1997
Yanni Xiao Topographic characterization for DEM error modelling Ph.D. 1995
Research Assistants 
Walter Sinclair The Biogeographical Atlases of BC, programming and development 2008 - 
Dany Vohl E-Fauna BC programmng and web development 2007
Luan Vo E-Fauna BC GIS mapping/ArcIMS programming 2007
Jill Persick E-Fauna BC Project Biologist 2007
Ofer Maron E-Fauna/E-Flora BC Mapping:  Invasive species change over tme. 2007
Vicky Baker E-Fauna BC project biologist 2006-
Xin Chen E-Fauna BC computer programming 2006
Edward Yong E-Fauna BC computer programmng 2006
Hugh Griffith E-Fauna BC development 2006
Wayne Kwok The Ecology of Mountain Pine Beetle Damage / E-Flora BC Interactive Mapping 2005
Vicky Lam Landscape Classification in the Gulf Islands National Park  2005
Stanley Tian E-Flora Programming and UBC IT Database Development 2004-2005
Bill Liang E-Flora BC Programming and Development (Bioinformatics) 2004
Dzenita Zaric Bioinformatics:  E-Flora BC GIS Mapping 2004
Devon Cathers Bioinformatics:  E-Flora BC Programming and Development 2004
John Sture Bioinformatics:  E-Flora BC Programming and Development 2004
Dr. Rene Garcia-Daguer GIS and Medical Biogeography:  Water Quality and Human Health 2004
Rachel Wiersma Bioinformatics:  E-Flora BC Internet Mapping Development 2003-2004