Ross Mackay’s
90th Birthday Celebration

February 17, 2006

The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada


Please complete the registration form (indicating total amount and payment method), and mail to UBC Geography. Registration will be confirmed by e-mail; receipts will be issued at time of in-person check-in.

The form is in pdf format, so you need Adobe Acrobat reader to view and print it. If you don't have it installed on your computer, you can download a free copy from Adobe's Website.

Deadline: Feb 1, 2006 (May not be able to guarantee registration after Feb 1, 2006)

Conference Fees


The registration fee for each participant includes conference attendance at paper sessions, lunch and dinner

  • Participant - $120.00
  • Student participant - $50*

* must be currently registered in an undergraduate, Master's, or PhD programme. Conference fee does not include dinner.


  • Guests are welcome to attend the dinner banquet. Cost is $50.00/guest.