Classifying Neighborhoods of New York City by
Stop-and-Frisk Activity from 2007 to 2013
1. SAS Code to Aggregate the individual UF-250s to Census Tract Summaries
proc summary data=nypd.master_y;
class newfips;
var rx_asn rx_nhw rx_nhb rx_ntv rx_bhs rx_whs rx_unk rx_oth sx_f sx_z
csxbulge csxcasng csxcloth csxdescr csxdrgtr csxfurtv csxlkout csxobjcs csxvcrim csxnumbr o_pers
xa_rept xa_inves xa_proxm xa_evasv xa_assoc xa_cgdir xa_incid xa_time xa_stsnd xa_other notunif
ifc xforce w_ars w_smm w_gun w_wep w_tol w_wgn w_frs w_src w_ag1 w_ag2 innocent;
output out=nypd.classtmp
sum=rx_asn rx_nhw rx_nhb rx_ntv rx_bhs rx_whs rx_unk rx_oth sx_f sx_z
csxbulge csxcasng csxcloth csxdescr csxdrgtr csxfurtv csxlkout csxobjcs csxvcrim csxnumbr o_pers
xa_rept xa_inves xa_proxm xa_evasv xa_assoc xa_cgdir xa_incid xa_time xa_stsnd xa_other notunif
ifc xforce w_ars w_smm w_gun w_wep w_tol w_wgn w_frs w_src w_ag1 w_ag2 innocent;
id newfips;
data nypd.catclass(compress=yes);
set nypd.classtmp;
cz_asn=(rx_asn/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_asn="Percentage of stops Asian";
cz_nhw=(rx_nhw/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_nhw="Percentage of stops Non Hispanic White";
cz_nhb=(rx_nhb/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_nhb="Percentage of stops Non Hispanic Black";
cz_ntv=(rx_ntv/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_ntv="Percentage of stops Native American";
cz_bhs=(rx_bhs/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_bhs="Percentage of stops Black Hispanic";
cz_whs=(rx_whs/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_whs="Percentage of stops White Hispanic";
cz_fem=(sx_f/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_fem="Percentage of stops Female";
cz_blg=(csxbulge/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_blg="Percentage of stops Suspicious Bulge";
cz_csn=(csxcasng/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_csn="Percentage of stops Casing Victim or Scene";
cz_clt=(csxcloth/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_clt="Percentage of stops Clothes/Disguises";
cz_des=(csxdescr/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_des="Percentage of stops Fits Description";
cz_drg=(csxdrgtr/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_drg="Percentage of stops Drug Transaction";
cz_fur=(csxfurtv/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_fur="Percentage of stops Furtive Movements";
cz_rep=(xa_rept/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_rep="Percentage of stops Add circ: Report";
cz_inv=(xa_inves/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_inv="Percentage of stops Add circ: Investigation";
cz_pxm=(xa_proxm/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_pxm="Percentage of stops Add circ: Proximity";
cz_eva=(xa_evasv/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_eva="Percentage of stops Add circ: Evasive";
cz_ass=(xa_assoc/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_ass="Percentage of stops Add circ: Association";
cz_cgd=(xa_cgdir/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_cgd="Percentage of stops Add circ: Change Direction";
cz_inc=(xa_incid/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_inc="Percentage of stops Add circ: Incident";
cz_tim=(xa_time/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_tim="Percentage of stops Add circ: Time";
cz_sts=(xa_stsnd/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_sts="Percentage of stops Add circ: Sights/Sounds";
cz_oth=(xa_other/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_oth="Percentage of stops Add circ: Other";
cz_nun=(notunif/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_nun="Percentage of stops Plainclothes Officer";
cz_ars=(w_ars/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_ars="Percentage of stops yielding arrest";
cz_smm=(w_smm/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_smm="Percentage of stops yielding summons";
cz_gun=(w_gun/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_gun="Percentage of stops with gun/arrest";
cz_wep=(w_wep/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_wep="Percentage of stops with Force: Weapon";
cz_tol=(w_tol/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_tol="Percentage of stops with Force: Baton/Peps";
cz_wgn=(w_wgn/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_wgn="Percentage of stops with Force: Wall/Ground";
cz_frs=(w_frs/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_frs="Percentage of stops with frisk";
cz_src=(w_src/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_src="Percentage of stops with search";
cz_ag1=(w_ag1/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_ag1="Percentage of stops Age up to 18";
cz_ag2=(w_ag2/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_ag2="Percentage of stops Age 19-21";
cz_ifc=(ifc/_FREQ_)*100; label cz_ifc="Percentage of stops innocent/force";
2a. SAS Code for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
*Classify all census tracts according to the characteristics of stop-and-frisk;
*activity over this eight-year period;
*Exclusing twenty tracts with fewer than 50 stops in the eight-year period;
proc cluster data=nypd.catclass method=average rsq;
where _FREQ_ > 49;
var cz_asn cz_nhw cz_nhb cz_ntv cz_bhs cz_whs
cz_ars cz_gun cz_wep cz_tol cz_wgn cz_frs cz_ifc;
2b. Results
The SAS System 18:52 Saturday, July 11, 2015 283
The CLUSTER Procedure
Average Linkage Cluster Analysis
Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix
Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative
1 525.919449 361.003752 0.6542 0.6542
2 164.915697 106.579941 0.2051 0.8593
3 58.335756 37.186315 0.0726 0.9319
4 21.149442 4.719057 0.0263 0.9582
5 16.430384 5.001500 0.0204 0.9786
6 11.428884 6.885746 0.0142 0.9928
7 4.543137 3.783936 0.0057 0.9985
8 0.759201 0.515159 0.0009 0.9994
9 0.244042 0.131100 0.0003 0.9997
10 0.112942 0.034810 0.0001 0.9999
11 0.078132 0.053050 0.0001 1.0000
12 0.025082 0.013986 0.0000 1.0000
13 0.011095 0.0000 1.0000
Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation 7.864004
Root-Mean-Square Distance Between Observations 40.09871
Cluster History
of Semipartial Norm RMS
Clusters ------Clusters Joined------- Freq R-Square R-Square Distance Tie
2123 OB1499 OB1577 3553 0.0000 1.00 0.0312
2122 OB1960 OB2100 12023 0.0000 1.00 0.0319
2121 OB1679 OB2047 8297 0.0000 1.00 0.032
2120 OB1258 OB1288 2355 0.0000 1.00 0.0332
2119 OB1804 OB1862 6094 0.0000 1.00 0.035
2118 OB1237 OB1512 2850 0.0000 1.00 0.0375
2117 OB615 OB758 1081 0.0000 1.00 0.0394
2116 OB1345 OB1363 2662 0.0000 1.00 0.0394
2115 OB1813 OB2068 9450 0.0000 1.00 0.0398
2114 OB1939 CL2122 15990 0.0000 1.00 0.0418
2113 OB1143 OB1656 3189 0.0000 1.00 0.0425
2112 OB1806 OB1969 7157 0.0000 1.00 0.0433
2111 OB2107 OB2119 18514 0.0000 1.00 0.0454
2110 OB964 OB1659 3001 0.0000 1.00 0.0457
2109 OB1599 CL2119 8047 0.0000 1.00 0.0461
2108 OB493 OB1493 2061 0.0000 1.00 0.0474
[results omitted for about two thousand steps to avoid cognitive overload...]
75 CL108 CL121 4.03E6 0.0018 .917 0.5148
74 CL113 OB2034 70471 0.0003 .916 0.5159
73 OB120 CL696 13125 0.0000 .916 0.5161
72 CL102 CL302 227293 0.0002 .916 0.5199
71 CL85 CL111 87517 0.0004 .916 0.5208
70 CL389 CL171 4555 0.0000 .916 0.521
69 CL103 CL311 126081 0.0013 .914 0.5228
68 CL194 CL79 18495 0.0002 .914 0.5241
67 CL83 OB935 2678 0.0000 .914 0.5248
66 CL223 CL129 7395 0.0000 .914 0.5312
65 CL91 CL84 39483 0.0004 .914 0.5387
64 CL80 CL225 20558 0.0002 .914 0.5412
63 CL128 CL89 40959 0.0003 .913 0.5447
62 CL75 CL117 4.05E6 0.0014 .912 0.5466
61 CL142 CL105 546116 0.0023 .910 0.5474
60 CL146 CL86 21696 0.0003 .909 0.5477
59 OB137 CL179 9958 0.0000 .909 0.5479
58 CL104 CL152 51189 0.0006 .909 0.5486
57 CL72 CL59 237251 0.0005 .908 0.5497
56 OB219 CL406 71572 0.0000 .908 0.5532
55 CL92 CL154 41310 0.0004 .908 0.5532
54 CL62 CL148 4.27E6 0.0132 .895 0.5554
53 CL131 CL114 58417 0.0006 .894 0.5556
52 OB163 CL183 598 0.0000 .894 0.5617
51 CL74 OB307 70754 0.0000 .894 0.5652
50 CL107 CL87 32500 0.0004 .894 0.5671
49 CL127 CL101 89374 0.0012 .892 0.5733
48 CL76 CL657 14660 0.0000 .892 0.5736
47 CL61 CL56 617688 0.0041 .888 0.5805
46 CL98 CL48 53170 0.0005 .888 0.5821
45 CL68 CL65 57978 0.0005 .887 0.5891
44 CL78 CL53 130509 0.0014 .886 0.598
43 CL55 CL176 48582 0.0004 .885 0.6014
42 CL64 CL100 38637 0.0006 .885 0.6135
41 CL71 CL57 324768 0.0037 .881 0.6201
40 CL96 CL81 221988 0.0031 .878 0.6315
39 CL49 CL58 140563 0.0017 .876 0.633
38 CL54 CL70 4.28E6 0.0004 .876 0.6345
37 CL50 OB360 32819 0.0000 .876 0.6381
36 CL262 CL115 2643 0.0001 .876 0.6434
35 CL141 CL38 4.28E6 0.0000 .876 0.6467
34 CL47 CL124 1.11E6 0.0200 .856 0.6515
33 CL63 CL110 45348 0.0003 .856 0.6555
32 CL44 CL66 137904 0.0005 .855 0.6678
31 CL125 CL658 25510 0.0003 .855 0.6702
30 CL95 CL82 129150 0.0020 .853 0.6764
29 CL88 CL77 7265 0.0000 .853 0.6787
28 CL37 CL40 254807 0.0019 .851 0.6976
27 CL39 CL31 166073 0.0014 .849 0.7002
26 CL46 CL52 53768 0.0001 .849 0.7103
25 CL33 CL134 56627 0.0008 .849 0.7132
24 CL35 CL45 4.34E6 0.0056 .843 0.7164
23 CL29 CL26 61033 0.0006 .842 0.7206
22 CL90 CL36 47254 0.0002 .842 0.7298
21 CL60 CL23 82729 0.0013 .841 0.7351
20 CL25 CL43 105209 0.0020 .839 0.7437
19 CL34 CL123 1.14E6 0.0030 .836 0.746
18 CL24 CL41 4.66E6 0.0338 .802 0.7502
17 OB26 OB804 692 0.0000 .802 0.7517
16 CL32 CL99 138893 0.0001 .802 0.7607
15 CL67 CL28 257485 0.0003 .802 0.7846
14 CL15 CL18 4.92E6 0.0274 .774 0.793
13 CL27 CL51 236827 0.0065 .768 0.8314
12 CL14 CL204 4.93E6 0.0011 .767 0.8333
11 CL12 CL17 4.93E6 0.0001 .767 0.8424
10 CL22 CL42 85891 0.0029 .764 0.8457
9 CL21 CL20 187938 0.0042 .759 0.8473
8 CL16 CL73 152018 0.0021 .757 0.8831
7 CL11 CL30 5.06E6 0.0309 .726 1.0447
6 CL13 CL69 362908 0.0186 .708 1.0539
5 CL7 CL19 6.2E6 0.2416 .466 1.0877
4 CL9 CL10 273829 0.0125 .454 1.1209
3 CL4 CL6 636737 0.0444 .410 1.335
2 CL5 CL3 6.83E6 0.2793 .130 1.6082
1 CL8 CL2 6.99E6 0.1302 .000 1.9197
Note: With 28 clusters we can preserve 85 percent of the total variance.
Once we've decided how many clusters to identify, we can use the iterative, non-hierarchical partitioning method of the FASTCLUS procedures, which provides several diagnostic indicators that are particularly helpful in subsantive interpretation.
3a. SAS Code for Non-Hierarchical Partitioning Cluster Analysis
proc fastclus data=nypd.catclass out=nypd.clust maxclusters=28 maxiter=5000;
where _FREQ_ > 49;
var cz_asn cz_nhw cz_nhb cz_ntv cz_bhs cz_whs
cz_ars cz_gun cz_wep cz_tol cz_wgn cz_frs cz_ifc;
3b. Results
The SAS System 18:52 Saturday, July 11, 2015 292
The FASTCLUS Procedure
Replace=FULL Radius=0 Maxclusters=28 Maxiter=5000 Converge=0.02
Initial Seeds
Cluster cz_asn cz_nhw cz_nhb cz_ntv cz_bhs cz_whs cz_ars
1 0.39215686 88.03921569 2.54901961 0.78431373 0.78431373 5.49019608 5.68627451
2 5.78186597 22.73324573 40.47306176 0.26281209 4.99342970 20.49934297 38.50197109
3 5.46875000 59.37500000 18.75000000 1.17187500 3.51562500 8.98437500 4.68750000
4 15.93045113 6.90789474 15.93045113 3.05451128 5.26315789 50.75187970 2.86654135
5 1.46370023 20.08196721 5.50351288 0.23419204 10.18735363 60.83138173 7.49414520
6 3.57142857 25.00000000 64.28571429 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.57142857 5.35714286
7 4.23728814 45.76271186 6.77966102 0.00000000 5.08474576 33.05084746 16.10169492
8 0.48939641 0.95548823 54.60265672 0.18643673 9.83453740 27.42950361 4.59100443
9 15.51724138 32.75862069 22.41379310 1.72413793 5.17241379 20.68965517 3.44827586
10 3.27868852 42.62295082 44.26229508 0.00000000 1.63934426 8.19672131 9.83606557
11 10.05434783 40.48913043 5.43478261 0.54347826 4.07608696 37.50000000 2.44565217
12 1.99282583 14.94619370 43.20446393 0.19928258 4.46392985 29.89238741 7.97130331
13 1.48331273 1.35970334 92.45982695 0.12360939 1.35970334 2.71940667 3.21384425
14 0.90567705 1.50209852 3.07046609 0.11044842 9.05677049 82.81422576 3.31345262
15 0.42602634 1.04570101 33.50116189 0.07745933 15.56932610 42.33152595 5.26723470
16 42.07650273 9.01639344 4.78142077 0.27322404 7.78688525 32.65027322 14.48087432
17 5.00000000 4.28571429 7.85714286 0.71428571 9.28571429 70.71428571 7.85714286
18 0.00000000 8.33333333 30.95238095 0.00000000 7.14285714 52.38095238 20.23809524
19 48.90016920 2.53807107 30.28764805 0.67681895 2.70727580 10.65989848 9.13705584
20 0.45454545 1.47727273 85.00000000 0.00000000 2.61363636 8.63636364 12.04545455
21 25.16243355 29.17897224 16.95215594 1.35853514 3.83933845 19.07855877 4.13467218
22 0.23948909 1.86269292 74.05534859 0.06652475 4.27088877 17.38956892 7.77009047
23 9.03954802 11.86440678 25.98870056 0.56497175 5.08474576 42.37288136 13.55932203
24 1.63398693 58.82352941 7.84313725 0.00000000 2.28758170 28.10457516 8.82352941
25 6.55737705 36.61202186 10.38251366 0.54644809 6.55737705 35.51912568 27.86885246
26 0.86206897 79.31034483 6.03448276 0.86206897 0.86206897 8.33333333 1.43678161
27 0.36016949 2.54237288 8.47457627 0.12711864 35.74152542 45.14830508 8.34745763
28 9.49720670 31.84357542 29.60893855 0.00000000 6.14525140 21.22905028 8.37988827
Initial Seeds
Cluster cz_gun cz_wep cz_tol cz_wgn cz_frs cz_ifc
1 0.00000000 0.19607843 0.58823529 0.39215686 25.09803922 2.54901961
2 0.13140604 0.00000000 1.44546649 1.83968463 48.09461235 8.93561104
3 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 36.32812500 3.12500000
4 0.00000000 0.04699248 1.45676692 1.92669173 59.11654135 29.13533835
5 0.11709602 0.11709602 0.23419204 0.81967213 68.38407494 9.66042155
6 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 25.00000000 5.35714286
7 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.84745763 29.66101695 3.38983051
8 0.06991377 0.39617805 0.74574691 5.26683757 64.53041249 26.63714752
9 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.44827586 1.72413793 13.79310345 10.34482759
10 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.63934426 3.27868852 44.26229508 6.55737705
11 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.81521739 4.34782609 52.44565217 23.36956522
12 0.31885213 0.63770426 1.55440415 2.63053009 28.89597449 8.88800319
13 0.00000000 0.24721879 0.74165637 1.23609394 37.82447466 27.81211372
14 0.02208968 0.28716589 1.76717473 4.30748840 79.92047714 41.88204109
15 0.03872967 0.00000000 1.31680868 12.23857475 80.86754454 57.31990705
16 0.13661202 0.40983607 2.18579235 2.86885246 51.22950820 19.39890710
17 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.42857143 5.00000000 40.71428571 19.28571429
18 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.38095238 2.38095238 47.61904762 11.90476190
19 0.16920474 0.00000000 0.50761421 1.18443316 57.69881557 6.09137056
20 0.90909091 0.45454545 2.61363636 6.25000000 81.02272727 40.00000000
21 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.17720024 0.64973420 61.13408151 3.60307147
22 0.07982970 0.19957424 0.53219798 1.01117616 45.70250133 5.98722725
23 1.12994350 0.00000000 1.12994350 1.69491525 79.66101695 10.73446328
24 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.32679739 0.32679739 65.68627451 7.51633987
25 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.54644809 2.18579235 62.84153005 10.38251366
26 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.58620690 55.17241379 15.80459770
27 0.31779661 0.33898305 0.72033898 5.33898305 57.62711864 20.25423729
28 0.55865922 5.58659218 5.58659218 13.96648045 43.01675978 24.58100559
Minimum Distance Between Initial Seeds = 31.30624
Iteration History
Relative Change in Cluster Seeds
Iteration Criterion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 5.6231 0.2722 0.4840 0.4076 0.3359 0.3473 0.4231 0.4645 0.2489 0.4410 0.4214
2 3.9760 0.0254 0.0938 0.0317 0.1010 0.1040 0.2807 0.0946 0.1122 0.1094 0.0824
3 3.7930 0 0.0526 0.0165 0.0404 0.0656 0.1550 0.0465 0.0806 0.1227 0.0653
4 3.7115 0.0199 0 0.0260 0.0313 0.0258 0.1022 0.0406 0.0355 0.0642 0.0965
5 3.6748 0.0171 0 0.0267 0.0498 0.0427 0.0555 0.0352 0.0208 0.0360 0.0553
6 3.6535 0.0189 0 0.0190 0.0277 0 0.0407 0.0314 0.0251 0.0273 0.0759
7 3.6386 0 0 0.0216 0.00719 0 0.0288 0.0342 0.0227 0.0253 0.0486
8 3.6286 0 0 0.0238 0.00911 0 0.0449 0.0259 0.0346 0.0246 0.0307
9 3.6199 0 0.0685 0.0220 0.00773 0 0.0397 0.0131 0.0249 0.0227 0.0565
10 3.6113 0.0206 0.0660 0.0318 0.00788 0.0143 0.0224 0.00848 0.0252 0.0181 0.0294
11 3.6054 0 0.0542 0.0198 0.00820 0 0.0242 0.0134 0.00901 0.0134 0.0324
12 3.6024 0 0.0487 0.00592 0 0 0.0225 0.0104 0.0219 0.0165 0.0156
13 3.6001 0 0.0692 0.00673 0 0 0.0127 0 0.0283 0.0103 0.00989
14 3.5976 0 0.1067 0 0.00887 0 0.0148 0 0.0219 0.00976 0.00814
15 3.5931 0 0.0741 0.00641 0 0 0.0130 0 0.0210 0.0184 0.00900
16 3.5900 0 0.0470 0.00616 0.00708 0 0.0147 0 0.0202 0.00834 0.00846
17 3.5883 0 0.0200 0 0 0 0.00780 0 0.0121 0 0.0135
18 3.5872 0 0.00922 0 0 0 0.00899 0 0.00532 0.00667 0.0116
Iteration History
Relative Change in Cluster Seeds
Iteration 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 0.3948 0.3833 0.6196 0.4343 0.5103 0.4841 0.4237 0.5626 0.3603 0.6201 0.3687
2 0.0746 0.1056 0.0925 0.0711 0.2223 0.1754 0.1029 0.0968 0.0600 0.0732 0.0465
3 0.1238 0.0440 0.0457 0.0392 0.0777 0.0849 0.1192 0.0550 0.0427 0.0444 0.0456
4 0.1054 0.0318 0.0303 0 0.0394 0.0231 0.0365 0.0382 0.0219 0.0346 0.0265
5 0.0868 0.0397 0.0260 0 0.00845 0.0533 0.0174 0.0218 0.0192 0.0396 0.0176
6 0.0610 0.0313 0.0172 0 0.0152 0.0260 0 0.0169 0.0209 0.0373 0.0332
7 0.0320 0.00684 0.00720 0 0.00935 0.0198 0 0.0211 0.0217 0.0234 0.0232
8 0.0375 0.0149 0.00590 0 0 0.0119 0 0.0137 0 0.0193 0.0236
9 0.0209 0.0318 0.00541 0 0 0 0.0156 0.0195 0 0.0145 0.0138
10 0.0203 0.0360 0.00331 0 0.0140 0.0123 0.0175 0.0265 0 0.00334 0
11 0.00881 0.0278 0 0 0 0 0.0150 0.00581 0 0 0.0189
12 0 0.00849 0 0 0 0 0 0.0161 0 0 0
13 0 0.0118 0 0 0 0 0 0.0225 0 0 0.0197
14 0 0.0103 0 0 0.00970 0 0 0.0147 0 0.00475 0
15 0 0.0140 0.00165 0 0.0152 0.0134 0 0.0122 0 0.00842 0
16 0 0.00677 0 0 0 0.00962 0 0.0130 0 0 0
17 0 0.0115 0.00151 0 0 0 0 0.0248 0 0.00304 0
18 0 0.00719 0 0 0 0 0 0.0103 0 0 0
Iteration History
Relative Change in Cluster Seeds
Iteration 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 0.4020 0.5128 0.3617 0.4636 0.4154 0.3342 0.4691
2 0.0697 0.1912 0.0364 0.2022 0.0730 0.0392 0.0501
3 0.0164 0.1456 0.0244 0.1247 0.0341 0.0392 0.0665
4 0.0146 0.0922 0.0211 0.0524 0.0259 0 0.0633
5 0.0124 0.0385 0.0133 0.0295 0.0390 0.0204 0.0544
6 0.0143 0.0150 0.0274 0.0419 0.0228 0 0.0487
7 0.0164 0.00881 0.0247 0.0190 0.0191 0 0.0640
8 0.0278 0 0.0150 0.0173 0.0107 0 0.0546
9 0.0112 0.00284 0.0157 0.0120 0.00484 0 0.0594
10 0.00597 0 0.0177 0 0.0155 0 0.0441
11 0 0.00533 0.00499 0 0.00528 0 0.0218
12 0.00730 0 0.00632 0 0 0 0.0126
13 0 0.00345 0 0 0 0 0.0123
14 0.00730 0.0106 0.00552 0.00658 0 0 0.0116
15 0.00675 0.00940 0 0 0 0 0.0171
16 0.00959 0.0102 0 0 0 0 0.00999
17 0.00914 0.0114 0.00595 0 0.00627 0 0.0164
18 0.00514 0.00321 0 0 0 0 0.00434
Convergence criterion is satisfied.
Criterion Based on Final Seeds = 3.5868
Cluster Summary
Maximum Distance
RMS Std from Seed Radius Nearest Distance Between
Cluster Frequency Deviation to Observation Exceeded Cluster Cluster Centroids
1 23 2.5172 20.2292 26 21.6532
2 46 4.3984 28.3383 12 16.6060
3 77 3.2579 25.5908 26 14.2717
4 67 4.1912 23.0362 5 17.7421
5 39 3.8857 21.2551 4 17.7421
6 111 3.8352 27.0188 12 20.8593
7 68 4.0595 27.2352 24 17.7063
8 102 3.8009 29.1344 6 20.8955
9 103 4.0415 26.5106 2 20.1950
10 57 3.8945 27.2975 7 22.2343
11 57 3.9768 20.5445 7 18.6154
12 88 3.7535 27.6149 2 16.6060
13 212 2.7112 26.9549 22 15.5653
14 59 3.4285 21.5653 4 31.6400
15 55 3.8331 25.0483 23 23.4782
16 49 4.0332 23.8154 4 22.2599
17 36 3.6554 22.5428 5 17.9420
18 99 3.4357 23.1994 23 16.1084
19 27 4.2949 30.7784 16 28.4299
20 138 3.5110 22.7642 13 16.1132
21 34 3.2914 21.0145 25 19.7757
22 139 3.4273 24.6881 13 15.5653
23 94 3.3282 19.6888 18 16.1084
24 79 3.4423 22.7552 7 17.7063
25 87 3.6669 21.5062 21 19.7757
26 80 3.1274 18.1496 3 14.2717
27 29 3.4399 21.2298 17 26.0521
28 69 4.1418 23.0388 2 17.7911
Statistics for Variables
Variable Total STD Within STD R-Square RSQ/(1-RSQ)
cz_asn 7.16377 3.66810 0.741154 2.863300
cz_nhw 20.81273 4.37872 0.956300 21.883493
cz_nhb 28.90710 5.36766 0.965959 28.376317
cz_ntv 0.77407 0.68830 0.219372 0.281019
cz_bhs 4.90828 2.27236 0.788390 3.725664
cz_whs 16.75970 4.72257 0.921609 11.756605
cz_ars 3.55969 3.32296 0.139667 0.162341
cz_gun 0.26638 0.25802 0.073697 0.079560
cz_wep 0.44596 0.43973 0.040105 0.041780
cz_tol 0.78318 0.73658 0.126689 0.145067
cz_wgn 2.02715 1.70991 0.297550 0.423589
cz_frs 12.59452 6.24750 0.757064 3.116319
cz_ifc 8.60155 5.12351 0.649714 1.854811
OVER-ALL 12.01269 3.61013 0.910832 10.214815
Pseudo F Statistic = 792.97
Approximate Expected Over-All R-Squared = 0.77303
Cubic Clustering Criterion = 92.584
WARNING: The two values above are invalid for correlated variables.
Cluster Means
Cluster cz_asn cz_nhw cz_nhb cz_ntv cz_bhs cz_whs cz_ars
1 1.79759512 81.57497587 4.81117497 0.14333385 1.20348393 8.04541232 4.32132480
2 9.32776807 15.12673535 39.71996334 1.50756658 6.42204119 23.59365704 11.23850992
3 5.00554158 59.20180562 9.55327105 0.67451288 2.62235325 20.61109771 5.00813204
4 10.48630626 12.36368550 16.65185440 0.91293813 6.79167950 49.87485297 7.39838238
5 8.86946042 17.91568275 8.26329725 0.40369925 7.94162628 55.35234428 5.81536842
6 4.48899883 7.36472986 58.52296418 0.78196531 5.12690354 20.73745074 7.05684776
7 6.43614063 40.50096138 14.08618772 0.77408578 5.45950041 29.17699357 8.33932486
8 1.42699190 4.47530169 58.24515880 0.35218524 7.57742468 24.00810264 6.43052289
9 5.49605236 27.85361416 29.64325949 0.69548753 6.01483235 25.89869686 8.06477387
10 2.96390378 49.12153857 27.02267772 0.58568737 2.82831681 14.73680032 5.09419665
11 8.80129356 26.22514155 14.45717173 0.83106110 7.09519854 39.67703170 8.37369052
12 3.36748845 21.34233981 48.23051992 0.40889726 4.39835178 18.68077210 8.16572242
13 1.10798956 1.78978143 88.76833637 0.19842299 1.39906063 4.35641260 5.76181382
14 3.75236468 4.23612614 6.26807106 0.41258040 7.75690843 75.59046465 5.23795483
15 0.52356981 1.26536678 46.16697275 0.17406938 13.94184724 32.48902858 6.51684890
16 24.65981792 11.27775586 18.15533491 1.02060486 6.02416069 35.67622126 9.79889647
17 2.69437112 9.82319313 12.84207237 0.41398091 10.80073861 59.75282972 5.65201187
18 1.80707600 5.31016753 39.36928785 0.55291211 10.52772289 38.42386870 7.39669309
19 42.63546681 5.87006179 24.33673437 1.98902004 3.52513905 17.99780288 8.12859659
20 1.18921234 1.92527966 86.07746143 0.22551004 1.97624757 6.20570275 6.00564206
21 17.81936772 33.38958009 14.71068821 1.23290968 2.94135559 26.03893471 5.60294830
22 1.77892290 4.81234343 75.62665902 0.36141882 3.08237814 11.30694275 6.09970247
23 1.37335471 3.50326924 35.18324963 0.41878672 13.14905492 41.00095388 7.22189187
24 4.52846243 52.62034333 8.71764499 0.59946569 3.67025229 27.43004324 7.03211396
25 6.12251211 36.38711052 13.63014262 1.05419802 4.41653114 34.03301697 8.11491009
26 3.15182859 67.49818208 9.29353978 0.45517522 1.94342627 14.58119109 5.00262002
The SAS System 18:52 Saturday, July 11, 2015 293
The FASTCLUS Procedure
Replace=FULL Radius=0 Maxclusters=28 Maxiter=5000 Converge=0.02
Cluster Means
Cluster cz_asn cz_nhw cz_nhb cz_ntv cz_bhs cz_whs cz_ars
27 0.47875928 4.76976632 14.32684213 0.26185624 29.50456559 44.92358232 6.66414000
28 6.82210836 21.73869972 34.92974152 1.29755307 4.93693457 27.55982261 6.84358831
Cluster Means
Cluster cz_gun cz_wep cz_tol cz_wgn cz_frs cz_ifc
1 0.09282449 0.14554253 0.41860258 0.88460894 32.72775908 4.89889097
2 0.20266047 0.36313303 1.19493824 2.45549446 45.50228305 12.05302245
3 0.06700229 0.18223957 0.67533805 1.27438527 37.10248163 6.63825963
4 0.13328924 0.27768601 1.11308374 2.71026019 65.60935024 22.74791830
5 0.06438557 0.22173923 0.59878603 1.40292836 60.88706459 10.39462149
6 0.11596138 0.27973615 0.95911871 1.95596229 47.35825522 12.71020666
7 0.11925359 0.31877476 1.06224914 2.41968550 43.06390452 12.73153693
8 0.16918163 0.35434145 1.16771168 3.02358931 65.50960490 21.12903741
9 0.09889521 0.47643120 1.47408339 2.75891407 34.89031304 11.26322487
10 0.05602821 0.38785720 0.92048040 2.40327904 46.29086805 14.77824141
11 0.11490963 0.27254419 0.91818245 2.32861003 47.92802667 12.11562008
12 0.06188482 0.43345733 1.89904030 3.89415827 36.48230998 14.57086738
13 0.24768176 0.39016425 1.08155489 1.69974523 56.27213387 14.59655842
14 0.06904598 0.31996262 1.10256364 4.20707475 72.67999969 30.65251949
15 0.23394715 0.39032713 1.21314632 6.27577555 77.68780276 40.29733296
16 0.17549556 0.22264726 0.91859653 2.26426991 57.35338050 18.89956270
17 0.09925945 0.52713974 1.02502399 3.65121736 49.55621814 16.39837652
18 0.14704249 0.33241445 1.11457491 2.60967863 56.18776396 15.54352390
19 0.12154177 0.23401323 0.80953433 1.38083866 51.30577621 11.29616460
20 0.27033090 0.45886277 1.22161373 2.93137332 65.27458791 27.47954522
21 0.05959550 0.10807045 0.33284689 0.85435938 58.97078441 6.06485167
22 0.19742764 0.40852250 1.19204104 1.84101374 53.33881976 14.34020423
23 0.19730979 0.38453225 1.42991708 4.40955235 68.31326800 24.17899574
24 0.02838982 0.32989738 1.01320009 1.56223135 54.05027701 10.55593441
25 0.07439667 0.35191664 1.02639220 2.29907173 65.87610462 17.08180158
26 0.04384103 0.30365450 0.84229501 2.31674966 44.68762682 12.62275114
27 0.08408784 0.56067751 1.02424855 5.09183263 57.12623025 20.38496379
28 0.12697424 0.47553944 1.44914774 4.19699741 56.23756998 21.42976468
Cluster Standard Deviations
Cluster cz_asn cz_nhw cz_nhb cz_ntv cz_bhs cz_whs cz_ars
1 1.961329790 4.344866701 2.192033054 0.217083330 0.543020639 1.990729200 1.092867974
2 7.470427708 5.596975699 5.667452567 1.751362267 2.833685292 5.048890921 6.561107552
3 2.802311291 4.585399949 5.338740827 0.614489610 1.136605703 4.304536561 2.382066174
4 5.590988547 5.222995863 6.055865341 0.645851568 2.596150215 5.753261455 2.860370737
5 6.739399197 5.356433856 2.753884359 0.340558901 2.032737738 6.127253657 2.149615726
6 5.982645679 4.654681649 5.597896816 1.087828582 2.342822469 5.477139567 3.005598093
7 4.853900284 5.140451815 5.542581811 0.710442674 2.930520867 5.102340121 5.121342832
8 2.068196632 5.144778685 6.604092242 0.447307841 3.274500898 5.814189559 2.615135203
9 4.678705056 5.501877398 5.228929658 0.841843408 2.653822454 5.678869761 4.712351458
10 2.124982414 5.906154832 7.490069843 0.783001238 1.677883764 4.611976927 2.728793458
11 6.052251681 4.705825429 5.272240961 0.957680864 2.894634186 4.729932308 4.124175081
12 1.532699022 5.650212782 5.744876490 0.267923355 1.844610707 4.341078590 3.851720035
13 0.760016948 1.209592048 3.616936205 0.238582259 0.638838728 1.952329170 2.422691910
14 2.684366834 2.098570331 3.267062188 0.300364898 2.122727936 5.662671761 1.610599329
15 0.369772351 0.731892150 7.721316303 0.113304145 3.052027806 6.468964139 2.870775817
16 6.637294980 4.727743549 6.377145739 0.530968913 1.620538513 4.727000736 4.321247520
17 2.651397051 3.540430768 4.780485675 0.339209335 3.712040167 5.888712204 2.167766544
18 1.777734241 3.858618744 6.745243588 0.572489546 3.320426069 4.528204769 3.392158832
19 7.683324579 4.010599262 7.703887518 2.124367848 1.599932101 4.717874184 3.523864668
20 0.754579239 1.659415510 5.033579428 0.249722282 0.960638453 3.291762571 3.351166501
21 5.052640209 5.404711233 4.577338071 0.617690269 0.833904633 4.561368834 1.888723215
22 2.469270301 4.002083151 4.647841678 0.375124579 1.162868659 3.236060320 2.890996126
23 1.414278740 2.826388998 6.297268931 0.521477966 3.663560404 4.543007704 2.996190480
24 3.355304990 4.853121608 3.589013249 0.573291704 1.817230986 5.435046044 3.706371850
25 2.733951407 6.055533001 4.451006991 0.734590180 1.901811547 5.451030820 3.470601083
26 1.968879442 5.084869732 4.551910029 0.430605434 1.099494386 3.935311465 2.498282871
27 0.237268318 2.820809419 6.296117101 0.163281043 4.361137700 4.589551527 2.746787887
28 5.425628531 6.008757995 5.497594664 1.252352338 2.614977895 6.247988732 3.567500465
Cluster Standard Deviations
Cluster cz_gun cz_wep cz_tol cz_wgn cz_frs cz_ifc
1 0.249983187 0.169069888 0.288489484 0.767408583 6.387498195 2.789616838
2 0.581486159 0.311977822 0.629715110 1.652845092 5.390844226 4.469764013
3 0.186333231 0.293600674 0.544810264 1.073365493 6.398844282 3.494521717
4 0.235492838 0.321777072 0.709523942 1.897045405 7.082896137 5.502424509
5 0.171998071 0.209868253 0.319595670 0.761321949 6.484651747 5.036818728
6 0.169432362 0.226666111 0.494914042 0.890773735 6.132080535 4.241629325
7 0.407654254 0.480454584 1.077785625 2.290082335 5.899302602 5.528665961
8 0.182133587 0.557042735 0.657551293 1.265656344 5.589554892 5.315867353
9 0.260396980 0.838740782 1.345041387 2.135889981 6.548381036 4.539452264
10 0.139181572 0.644512287 0.943045188 1.874525823 6.404902682 4.864720076
11 0.291700041 0.306100311 0.597292546 1.993915714 5.978364820 5.485643863
12 0.176542257 0.475185566 1.080731808 2.179738427 6.812773835 5.112173503
13 0.299555423 0.344588240 0.556629764 0.937817255 6.720968360 4.870453490
14 0.094021053 0.384333189 0.625106958 3.684043563 6.712881972 5.664512427
15 0.255406737 0.330673664 0.449400286 2.762843737 3.260122842 7.256720356
16 0.316889800 0.237158325 0.435673503 1.095257673 5.870666092 4.945715955
17 0.133652851 0.514169170 0.605343603 2.718989388 6.361312526 5.431864536
18 0.195888875 0.386125480 0.614037606 1.482269805 5.414366477 3.803199785
19 0.173694355 0.214711051 0.409859960 0.754754570 5.772167869 5.427257390
20 0.323761835 0.318641850 0.548544001 1.645352036 7.174319478 7.338595024
21 0.217055421 0.155050414 0.398085296 1.059299437 5.343837940 3.127257435
22 0.288887246 0.455345242 0.808263841 1.304971533 7.368611733 5.631993571
23 0.357043166 0.475245063 0.911845658 1.954150768 5.011198755 4.574995891
24 0.088495139 0.485488164 0.750518888 1.095420272 6.507792247 3.884364054
25 0.172698484 0.502443261 0.664763403 1.480170040 6.030550289 5.064708600
26 0.149286172 0.442055503 0.655918456 1.370001707 5.032493824 5.072088234
27 0.110756953 0.629556759 0.542001709 1.508846191 6.435339934 3.758064703
28 0.267979105 0.463591195 0.884537999 2.180054182 5.824756879 5.226676060