Ross Mackay’s
90th Birthday Celebration

February 17, 2006

The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada

Conference Participation

Professor Toni Lewkowicz, Editor of Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, is considering assembling a special issue of the journal in honour of Ross Mackay, including papers from this Symposium. If you are interested in contributing to the volume, please contact him at:


Steve Blasco

Steve Blasco

Leader of the Beaufort Shelf and Coastal Geology project at the Geological Survey of Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. His research is focused on seabed geo-environmental issues affecting Arctic offshore hydrocarbon development including subsea permafrost, ice scouring by sea-ice, shallow gas hazards, seabed foundation conditions and benthic habitat mapping.
Chris Burn

Chris Burn

NSERC Northern Research Chair in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences at Carleton University, where his research concentrates on permafrost in the Yukon and Mackenzie delta area. Chris spent five years at UBC in the late 1980s and early 1990s working with Ross Mackay.
Hugh French

Hugh French

Professor Emeritus of Geography and Earth Sciences at the University of Ottawa, where he was previously Dean of Science. He was President (1998-2003) of the International Permafrost Association (IPA) and is founding Editor-in-Chief of Permafrost and Periglacial Processes.
Don Hayley

Don Hayley

Principal Engineer for EBA’s Arctic Practice. He has more then 35 years of practical experience with design of structures on permafrost. He is a member of the Canadian National Committee for The International Permafrost Association and is currently serving on the Executive Committee of IPA. He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and recent recipient of the Julian C. Smith Medal for engineering contributions to the development of Canada.
Sam Outcalt

Sam Outcalt

Professor Emeritus of Geography and Geology at the University of Michigan. The central theme of his research was simulation and spatial analysis in the environmental sciences.
Yuri Shur

Yuri Shur

Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Yuri began his career with the Russian Permafrost Institute. Permafrost and Frozen Ground Engineering are his areas of interest.