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Global Information

Operated by :
Coordinates : -9999 / -9999
Height a.s.l. : 201 m
Station Sourrounding
Data availability in database : 14.4.2006 - *

CodeStationParameter / InstrumentationHeightUnitsResolutionPeriod
H2A_AVMGlobal InformationAbsolute Humidity
Average of all Locations / Instruments
2.00mg/m300:0514.04.2006 00:05 - 18.05.2006 00:00
C2A_AVMGlobal InformationCarbon Dioxide Concentration
Average of all Locations / Instruments
2.00mmmol/m300:0514.04.2006 00:05 - 18.05.2006 00:00
C2AP_AVMGlobal InformationCarbon Dioxide Mixing Ratio
Average of all Locations / Instruments
2.00mppm00:0514.04.2006 00:05 - 18.05.2006 00:00
PSA_MGlobal InformationInternal Barometric Pressure
Closed Path IRGA (Licor 6262 ????), Multiplexed
2.00mhPa00:0514.04.2006 00:05 - 18.05.2006 00:00
ITA_MGlobal InformationInternal Gas Analyzer Temperature
Closed Path IRGA (Licor 6262 ????), Multiplexed
2.00m°C00:0514.04.2006 00:05 - 18.05.2006 00:00
ITA_PGlobal InformationInternal Gas Analyzer Temperature
Photoacoustic Gas Analyzer (Innova 1312), Multiplexed
2.00m°C00:0514.04.2006 00:05 - 18.05.2006 00:00
UWC_AVGlobal Informationu'w' Sonic (Longitudinal [global] / Vertical)
Average of all Locations / Instruments
2.00mm2/s200:3014.04.2006 00:30 - 18.05.2006 00:00
WTC_AVGlobal Informationw't' (Vertical / Temperature)
Average of all Locations / Instruments
2.00m(K m)/s00:3014.04.2006 00:30 - 18.05.2006 00:00
H2AP_AVMGlobal InformationWater Vapour Mixing Ratio
Average of all Locations / Instruments
2.00mg/kg00:0514.04.2006 00:05 - 18.05.2006 00:00
WDA_AVGlobal InformationWind Direction
Average of all Locations / Instruments
2.00m°00:3014.04.2006 00:30 - 18.05.2006 00:00
MSA_AVGlobal InformationWind Velocity (Scalar Mean, uvw)
Average of all Locations / Instruments
2.00mm/s00:3014.04.2006 00:30 - 18.05.2006 00:00

Created : Tue May 09 17:11:26 2006 from \\klima-fs1\christen\projects\hartheim\data\xdr\