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Carbon Dioxide Molar Mixing Ratio

CodeStationParameter / InstrumentationHeightUnitsResolutionPeriod
BBCVA1Burns Bog Flux TowerCarbon Dioxide Molar Mixing Ratio
CO2/H2O Open-Path IR Gas Analyzer (Li-7500)
1.80mppm00:052014-07-09 15:55 to 2016-05-30 23:55
BBCVA3Burns Bog Flux TowerCarbon Dioxide Molar Mixing Ratio
CO2/H2O Closed-Path IR Gas Analyzer (Li-7200)
1.80mppm00:302015-06-09 15:30 to 2016-06-01 00:00
BBCVA4Burns Bog Flux TowerCarbon Dioxide Molar Mixing Ratio
CO2/H2O Closed-Path IR Gas Analyzer (Li-7200)
1.80mppm00:302015-06-09 16:30 to 2016-05-25 10:00
BBCVA5Burns Bog Flux TowerCarbon Dioxide Molar Mixing Ratio
CO2/H2O Closed-Path IR Gas Analyzer (Li-7200)
1.80mppm00:302015-06-09 16:30 to 2016-05-24 09:30

Created : Wed Jun 22 19:35:59 2016